my rates for various custom content.

prices are in usd, payments taken via cashapp.

pics: (single / set of 5)

vids: (≤30 second clip / 4 minutes)

ALTERNATIVELY: subscribe to my fansly lagniappe or oblation tiers. you can view all of my content in one place and make requests.

lagniappe tier is only once a month and oblation is up to three requests monthly, but each request counts for 5 pics minimum. it's a great way to support me, save money, and still get cool shit. it's like getting $3 off a simple direction set of 5 pics, plus getting to see my other goods.


for complex directions (pics or vids) or any audio, i can work off of a script.

simple directions = one thing i must include, one thing you don't want included. this can be objects or themes.

complex directions = up to 5 things i must include, up to 5 you don't want included. OR you can hand me a script.

if i don't have a specific toy or outfit that you would like me to use, i may credit you the item's value if you send me what it's worth. this credit may be used toward any type of custom. my wishlist.

for obvious reasons, i reserve the right to refund any customs for any reason.